Looking after our people, our youth

Helping our whanau find mahi.

WORKit is a joint effort between the South Waikato District Council and Mayors Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ) and is funded by the Ministry of Social Development (MSD).

We’re part of a number of nationwide Community Recovery Programme projects working towards one vision: to have all young people under 25 being in appropriate education, training, work or other positive activities in their community.

Snapshot of WORKit Guidelines:

Support young people into work, 

training or studies

Support young people who are 

looking for full time work

Support young people with wrap-

around assistance

Help SMEs with recruitment and 


Support employers who run incentive 

programmes and courses for local 


Connect businesses with community

support services

Our logo, our place.

Our WORKit logo represents our people coming together. Supporting local businesses with local people.

The icons to the left illustrate our people raising their hands to lift our community. The four illustrations represent our four local towns.

Our goal is to provide mahi to our youth who need to support not only themselves, but their whanau aswell, and build a brighter future.

Snapshot of WORKit Guidelines:

Support young people into work, 

training or studies

Support young people who are 

looking for full time work

Support young people with wrap-

around assistance

Help SMEs with recruitment and 


Support employers who run incentive 

programmes and courses for local 


Connect businesses with community

support services

Lets Connect.

Paniora Daniels is our WORKit Connector who connects, engages, excites and prepares NEET youth for job opportunities in the South Waikato.

As part of the community, our Connector works with the families of young people looking for jobs, in a holistic whanau-centred approach.

MSD staff support a pipeline of local employers who have job vacancies and help match those jobs to WORKit job seekers.

The Right Support for
Each Person.

Flexibility is a big plus when it comes to the support WORKit provides. It could be that we buy tools that aren’t funded by the employer, or work clothes such as a suit or overalls. If the young person doesn’t have a car or can’t afford public transport, we may be able to help out with a bicycle or scooter, or data credit.

Additional support can include job interview skills, confidence building, and help around what to wear and how to look.

Specialists are also available for support around mental health and addictions and we can provide access to safe and secure accommodation.


Looking for a job? Or do you

run a business and want to

know more about being

part of WORKit…